From Ukraine with Love: Our Journey of Food, Unity, and Hope

Our story began with a simple idea – helping Ukrainian newcomers who came to Canada to escape a difficult situation back home. We started by giving them things they needed for their new lives.

But something amazing happened. We realized these newcomers had so much to offer. They were creative and skilled, and we wanted to give them a chance to show that to the world.

So, we made a special website where they could share their talents. People could buy beautiful art, yummy food, and helpful services from them. It was like a colorful market online.

Then, we decided to cook and share traditional Ukrainian dishes. And guess what? People loved it! In just one day, we sold lots thousands of tasty perogies, cabbage rolls, and borscht – a special soup. Thanks to First Nation Chef Matthew Potts, who welcomed us to his Kitchen at Cook County Saloon in January.

With help from Scott Kelly, who is really kind and owns a place called Butchers & Packers, we got a real place to cook and share our food. He believes in our mission and wants to help us succeed.

We're proud to say we're the first Ukrainian Kitchen in Canada, run entirely by people who left Ukraine because of the war. Our goal is simple: we want to share Ukraine's delicious flavors with Canadians and help our newcomers become part of their new home.

Our journey is all about working together, trying new things, and showing that food can bring people closer, no matter where they come from. And with every dish we make, we're writing a chapter in this story of unity and hope.